Insight into Layered and Deficient Metal Halide Perovskites from First Principles and Symmetry
Abstract Body: Currently, many different perovskite -with corner-sharing octahedra- as well as non-perovskite metal-halide solids are synthetized worldwide entailing the need for in-depth understanding of their structure/property relationships. In this regard, combining the huge accumulated knowledge over the last decades, on halide but also oxide perovskites, with modern atomic scale modeling as well as symmetry analysis has proved useful. Among others, new compositions such as A'2An-1MnX3n+1 (where A and A' are cations, X is halide and M is metal) afford layered structures with a controlled number (n, currently ? 7) of octahedra in the perovskite layer. Those correspond to innate heterostructures that offer an ideal platform for fundamental understanding such as effect of quantum or dielectric confinement.[1] Efforts have also been successful in building new perovskite structures with cations surpassing the Goldschmidt tolerance factor. For instance, this has been recently demonstrated for layered perovskites with the use of ethylammonium, isopropylammonium or dimethylammonium as perovskitizer, having a perovskite sheet retaining its continuous corner-sharing connectivity.[2] On another note, new three dimensional networks have been achieved by mixing larger cations (e.g., hydroxyethylammonium) with the standard ones (e.g. methylammonium, formamidinium) leading to the formation of voids in the perovskite lattice, either disordered (Hollow perovskites) or with structural signature of a periodic pattern (Deficient perovskites).[3] In this talk, I will discuss some of our recent theoretical results paying attention on newly discovered halide perovskite phases and opportunities to further engineer their properties in connection with their use in devices.
References including references therein:
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[3] A. Leblanc, N. Mercier, M. Allain, J. Dittmer, T. Pauporté, V. Fernandez, F. Boucher, M. Kepenekian, C. Katan, Enhanced Stability and Band Gap Tuning of ?-[HC(NH2)2]PbI3 Hybrid, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11, 20743 (2019); C. Zheng, O. Rubel, M. Kepenekian, X. Rocquefelte, C. Katan, Electronic properties of Pb-I deficient lead halide perovskites, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 234704 (2019); C. Quarti, C. Katan and J. Even, Physical properties of bulk, defective, 2D and 0D metal halide perovskite semiconductors from a symmetry perspective, under revision.