Buffer reservoir approach for cancelling resonant noise: Towards a new generation of low noise lasers
Buffer Reservoir approach is proposed and explored in order to deeply modify the dynamical behavior of solid-state lasers leading to a cancelation of resonant noise. The relaxation oscillation noise is reduced by more than 50 dB in a single frequency laser, whereas in-phase and anti-phase noise contributions are simultaneously reduced by more than 20 dB in a dual frequency laser. This approach is implemented using both second harmonic generation and two-photon absorption. Moreover, the optical linewidth of the laser is shown to be preserved in spite of the modification of the laser dynamics. Owing to the efficiency and potentially unlimited bandwidth of this method, the spontaneous/signal beating peaks are also cancelled which makes it superior to the previously proposed class-A laser operation. This new generation of solid-state lasers is successfully tested in a microwave photonics link for local oscillator distribution.
Mots clés
antiphase noise contributions
buffer reservoir approach
Cavity resonators
dual frequency laser
in-phase noise contributions
Laser modes
laser noise
light absorption
local oscillator distribution
low noise laser generation
Microwave photonics
microwave photonics link
Noise cancellation
optical harmonic generation
optical linewidth
phase noise
relaxation oscillation noise reduction
resonant noise cancelation
second harmonic generation
signal beating peaks
single frequency laser
Solid laser
solid lasers
solid-state lasers
spectral line breadth
spontaneous beating peaks
Two-Photon Absorption
two-photon processes