FastImmunity: An EDA extension for PCB immunity prediction
Predicting the immunity of printed circuit boards (PCBs) to radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI) requires the computation of the electromagnetic field's coupling to PCB traces. A modified Taylor-based analytical model exists developed and validated for PCB's immunity prediction. In this paper, we present the methodology of development of an electronic design automation (EDA) extension for Altium Designer based on the prediction model. The developed extension allows PCB designers to have further insight on PCBs immunity during design phase and implements a unique electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) feature compared to existing EMC tools. © 2016 IEEE.
Mots clés
Computer aided design
Electromagnetic compatibility
Prediction model
PCB designers
EDA extension
Design phase
Radiated electromagnetic interferences
Printed circuit board (PCBs)
Electromagnetic fields
Electromagnetic pulse
Electronic design automation
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Printed circuits
Altium Designer
Printed circuit boards