Training induces lasting memories of humans in horses
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of using positive reinforcement as a training strategy for young horses on the horse-human relationship. Thus, we trained 23 yearlings to remain immobile and accept various handling procedures (brushing, feet picking…) on vocal command, giving half of them a food reward (positive reinforcement group, NPR = 111) whenever they responded correctly to the command (i.e. remained immobil throughout the handling procedure), while the other half (control group, NC = 12) was never given any reward. Results showed that using positive reinforcement during training induces a long term positive representation of humans, for young horses trained to obey a vocal command with food as a reinforcement sought and accepted more contact, both with the familiar trainer (P < 0.001 and P < 0.01) and with a non familiar person (P < 0.01 and P < 0.01), even several months after completion of training (up to 8 months later). It alse allowed faster learning (P<0.001) and better memorization of the task (P<0.05).