- Remote sensing 26
- Integrated optics 24
- Porous silicon 24
- RDF 23
- Noise 19
- Nonlinear optics 17
- Photoluminescence 15
- Waveguides 14
- Databases 13
- Erbium 13
- Laser 13
- Lossy compression 13
- Optique intégrée 13
- Query optimization 13
- Semiconductor lasers 13
- Silicon photonics 13
- Classification 12
- Mid-infrared 12
- Silicium poreux 12
- Speech synthesis 12
- Hyperspectral imaging 11
- Microresonators 11
- Optimization 11
- Silicon 11
- Bistability 10
- FPGA 10
- Image processing 10
- Optical injection 10
- Spectroscopy 10
- All-optical regeneration 9
- Micro-resonator 9
- Moyen infrarouge 9
- Optical properties 9
- Bruit d'intensité 8
- Chalcogenide glass 8
- Chalcogenides 8
- Discrete cosine transforms 8
- Estimation 8
- Fibre optique 8
- Four-wave mixing 8
- Injection optique 8
- Microcavities 8
- Modes de galerie 8
- Optical communications 8
- Photonic integrated circuits 8
- Polymères 8
- Signal processing 8
- Thin films 8
- Verres de chalcogénures 8
- Anomaly detection 7
- Clustering 7
- Image compression 7
- Lasers 7
- Mélange à quatre ondes 7
- Optical fiber communication 7
- Optics 7
- Optique non-linéaire 7
- Semantic Web 7
- Software Defined Radio 7
- Wavelength conversion 7
- Whispering gallery modes 7
- Bruit de fréquence 6
- Chalcogenide glasses 6
- Coherence 6
- Cohérence 6
- Conditional random fields 6
- Coupled resonators 6
- Embedded systems 6
- Frequency noise 6
- Hyperspectral 6
- Hyperspectral image 6
- Hyperspectral images 6
- Image classification 6
- Image denoising 6
- Micro-résonateur 6
- Microsphere 6
- Modeling 6
- Optical communication 6
- Optical fiber 6
- Optical sensor 6
- Photonic crystals 6
- RDFS 6
- Régénération tout-optique 6
- Saturable absorber 6
- Semiconductor optical amplifier 6
- Signal-dependent noise 6
- Verre de chalcogénure 6
- Whispering gallery mode 6
- All-optical signal processing 5
- Anomaly explanation 5
- Bit-Shuffling 5
- Confinement 5
- CubeSats 5
- DCT 5
- Deep Learning 5
- Deep learning 5
- Digital signal processing 5
- Energy consumption 5
- Extensible processors 5
- Fiber lasers 5
- Fiber optics 5
- Fuzzy logic 5
- Fuzzy set theory 5
- High-level synthesis 5
- Image lossy compression 5
- Imagerie hyperspectrale 5
- Intensity noise 5
- Laser à fibre 5
- MapReduce 5
- Materials science 5
- Microlentille 5
- Mid-IR 5
- Modulation 5
- Modulators 5
- Network-on-Chip 5
- Optical feedback 5
- Optical losses 5
- Optical waveguides 5
- Optique non linéaire 5
- PAM-4 5
- Physics 5
- Possibility theory 5
- Prosody 5
- Query answering 5
- Query reformulation 5
- RIN 5
- Refractive index 5
- Relative intensity noise 5
- Scattering 5
- Semiconductor laser 5
- Semiconductor optical amplifiers 5
- Similarity measure 5
- Simulation 5
- Slow-light 5
- Speckle 5
- Synthèse de la parole 5
- Task mapping 5
- Télécommunications optiques 5
- Unsupervised 5
- Validation 5
- Amorphous materials 4
- Approximate Computing 4
- Big data 4
- Biosensors 4
- Bistabilité 4
- Bragg gratings 4
- Capteur optique 4
- Chalcogenide 4
- Cloud 4
- Cloud computing 4
- Coherent communications 4
- Coherent detection 4
- Color 4
- Computer science 4
- Conversion de longueur d'onde 4
- Correlation 4
- Couplage modal 4
- Coupled modes theory 4
- DVFS 4
- Data mining 4
- Database 4
- Density estimation 4
- Discrete cosine transform 4
- Embedded system 4
- Evaluation 4
- Fault Mitigation 4
- Fault tolerance 4
- Fiber laser 4
- Fibre 4
- Filtering 4
- Germanium 4
- Hardware 4
- Heuristic algorithms 4
- Hyperspectral imagery 4
- Image 4
- Image filtering 4
- Least general generalization 4
- MSE 4
- Machine Learning 4
- Measurement 4
- Micro-résonateurs 4
- Microring resonator 4
- Microstructured fibers 4
- Mid-Infrared 4
- Modal coupling 4
- Multichannel images 4
- Multiprocessors 4
- Natural language processing 4
- Noise reduction 4
- OFDM 4
- Optical resonator 4
- Optical resonators 4
- Optimal operation point 4
- Optoelectronics 4
- PON 4
- Performance 4
- Photonics 4
- Polarisation 4
- Polarization 4
- Polymère 4
- Pronunciation adaptation 4
- Query Optimization 4
- Radio Frequency Fingerprint 4
- Rare earth 4
- Reliability 4
- Remote sensing images 4
- Resonators 4
- Silica 4
- Silicon nanowires 4
- Sol-gel 4
- Stimulated Brillouin scattering 4
- Traitement tout-optique du signal 4
- Unsupervised partitioning 4
- Visualization 4
- Waveguide 4
- Acoustics 3
- Advanced modulation formats 3
- Amplification sélective 3
- Analogical proportions 3
- Artificial intelligence 3
- Automation 3
- Bias 3
- Biocapteurs 3
- Blind estimation 3
- Blind noise parameter estimation 3
- Brillouin laser 3
- Bruit d’intensité 3
- Capteurs 3
- Carbon nanotubes 3
- Champs aléatoires conditionnels 3
- Classification of information 3
- Cloud Databases 3
- Cloud federations 3
- Convolutional neural network 3
- Custom instruction 3
- Data clustering 3
- Data journalism 3
- Diffusion Brillouin stimulée 3
- Dispersion 3
- Détection d'anomalies 3
- Effet Vernier 3
- Effets non linéaires 3
- Efficiency 3
- Efficiency prediction 3
- Energy efficiency 3
- Erbium doped glass 3
- Expressive speech synthesis 3
- FTTH 3
- Facteur de qualité 3
- Fatty acid 3
- Fault Tolerance 3
- Fault tolerant 3
- Fibre double gaine 3
- Fibre microstructurée 3
- Fibres optiques 3
- Field programmable gate arrays 3
- Filtering theory 3
- Fonction de transfert 3
- Four wave mixing 3
- Fusion 3
- Genetic algorithms 3
- Graph Databases 3
- Ground truth 3
- High bit rate optical transmissions 3
- High-speed optical techniques 3
- IQ imbalance 3
- IQ imbalance compensation 3
- Image analysis 3
- Image color analysis 3
- Image colour analysis 3
- Image quality 3
- Image reconstruction 3
- Image registration 3
- Image segmentation 3
- IoT 3
- Laser Brillouin 3
- Laser à semi-conducteurs 3
- Lasers à semi-conducteurs 3
- Linewidth 3
- Linguistics 3
- Liquid crystals 3
- Liquid-crystal 3
- Lossy image compression 3
- Luminescence 3
- M-QAM 3
- Mean square error methods 3
- Micro-Résonateurs 3
- Micro-lens 3
- Microcavity 3
- Microrésonateurs 3
- Mid-infrared detection 3
- Mode-locked lasers 3
- Modélisation 3
- Mueller matrix 3
- Multi-Objective Optimization 3
- Multimedia applications 3
- Multimodal images 3
- Multiple Linear Regression 3
- N-ary joins 3
- Near-field microscopy 3
- Near-infrared 3
- Nearest neighbor 3
- Neutron 3
- Noise measurement 3
- Non linear optics 3
- Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm 3
- Online Scheduling 3
- Online scheduling 3
- Optical coupling 3
- Optical fiber sensors 3
- Optical fibers 3
- Optical interconnects 3
- Optical regeneration 3
- Optical sensors 3
- Optical signal processing 3
- Optical telecommunications 3
- Optimisation de requête 3
- Partitioning 3
- Performance Analysis 3
- Phase shift keying 3
- Phase-sensitive amplification 3
- Photonic 3
- Planar waveguides 3
- Plasmons 3
- Polarimetry 3
- Polymers 3
- Q-factor 3
- Quenched disorder 3
- RDF query answering 3
- Radar imaging 3
- Radio frequency 3
- Real-time execution 3
- Real-time systems 3
- Reconfiguration 3
- Reformulation de requête 3
- Regularization parameter 3
- Reinforcement Learning 3
- Relational databases 3
- Ridge waveguides 3
- Robustness 3
- Résonateur optique 3
- SLA 3
- Scattering parameters 3
- Scheduling 3
- Selective amplification 3
- Semantic Caching 3
- Serverless computing 3
- Signal to noise ratio 3
- Social network 3
- Sparse distribution 3
- Spectroscopie proche infrarouge 3
- Stimulated Brillouin Scattering 3
- Subgraph enumeration algorithm 3
- Subgraph selection algorithm 3
- Synthèse de haut niveau 3
- System-on-chip 3
- Terres rares 3
- Traitement automatique des langues 3
- Uncertainty 3
- Verres de chalcogénure 3
- Visual quality 3
- Visual quality metrics 3
- Wavelength division multiplexing 3
- Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators 3
- XAI 3
- 8CB 2
- Absorbant saturable 2
- Absorption 2
- Abstraction levels 2
- Accuracy 2
- Adaptation de la prononciation 2
- Additive noise 2
- Affinity propagation 2
- Algae 2
- Algebra 2
- Algorithme de tri génétique non dominé 2
- Algorithme heuristique 2
- Algorithmes génétiques 2
- All optical regeneration 2
- Amplificateurs à semi-conducteurs 2
- Amplification 2
- Amplifier 2
- Analogie 2
- Architectures reconfigurables 2
- Arrays 2
- Assessment 2
- Assist light 2
- Atténuation 2
- Audiobook 2
- BER 2
- BGP queries 2
- Base de données graphe 2
- Bases de connaissances 2
- Bases de données 2
- Battery longevity 2
- Better portable graphics 2
- Big Data 2
- Big Five 2
- Biomechanics 2
- Biomedical engineering 2
- Blocage de modes 2
- Bragg reflector 2
- Brillouin scattering 2
- Bruit relatif d'intensité 2
- Bruit relatif d’intensité 2
- Capteur 2
- Capteurs optiques 2
- Caractérisation de fibres optiques 2
- Cardinality estimation 2
- Carrier phase recovery 2
- Cavity lifetime 2
- Cavity ringdown spectroscopy 2
- Chalcogenide Glasses 2
- Chalcogénures 2
- Chaos 2
- Chaos synchronization 2
- Characterization 2
- Circuits optiques intégrés 2
- Cities and towns 2
- Clocks 2
- Cloud Computing 2
- Coefficient non-linéaire Kerr 2
- Coherent optical communications 2
- Collective entity linking 2
- Color image database 2
- Combinaison cohérente 2
- Communications optiques 2
- Complexity theory 2
- Compression techniques 2
- Computer Science 2
- Contre-réaction optique 2
- Cooperative 2
- Cooperative answers 2
- Corpus reduction 2
- Costs 2
- Couplage 2
- Coupled microresonators 2
- Coupled-mode theory CMT 2
- Couplings 2
- Courbes elliptiques 2
- Cramer-Rao lower bound CRLB 2
- Cryptographie 2
- Cryptography 2
- Custom instruction enumeration 2
- Custom operator 2
- DCT based filter 2
- DCT filter 2
- DCT-based filtering 2
- DFB 2
- DFG 2
- DL-LiteR 2
- Data Quality 2
- Data level parallelism 2
- Data models 2
- Data stream 2
- Data summarization 2
- Data warehouse 2
- Database systems 2
- Dataflow computing 2
- Decision making 2
- Deep regression with uncertainty 2
- Detection 2
- Detectors 2
- Diffusion Brillouin 2
- Dimensionality reduction 2
- Discrete atomic transform 2
- Disfluencies 2
- Dispersion chromatique 2
- Distributed feedback DFB 2
- Doping 2
- Dual-polarization radar images 2
- Détection 2
- EDX 2
- Effet Kerr 2
- Electronic engineering 2
- Elemental semiconductors 2
- Energy minimization 2
- Engineering 2
- Entity linking 2
- Entity relatedness measure 2
- Ephemeral Resources 2
- Exhaustive search 2
- Existential rules 2
- Experimental data 2
- Expressivity 2
- Extended transfer matrix formalism 2
- FDTD 2
- Fact-checking 2
- Fat tissue 2
- Feature selection 2
- Fiber 2
- Fiber Bragg grating 2
- Fiber optics and optical communications 2
- Fibers 2
- Filtering technique 2
- Filtrage 2
- Filtrage décalé 2
- Fluctuations 2
- Fluorescence 2
- Forecasting 2
- Formal verification 2
- Four-Wave mixing 2
- Frequency Hopping 2
- Frequency chirp 2
- Frequency stabilization 2
- Functionalization 2
- Fuzzy Set Theory 2
- Fuzzy join 2
- Fuzzy sets 2
- Fuzzy vocabulary 2
- Fédérations de nuages 2
- Gain dynamics 2
- Gallium arsenide 2
- Gas sensor 2
- Generalized Transfer Function 2
- Generalized transfer function 2
- Glass 2
- Graph databases 2
- Graph summary 2
- Guide d'onde 2
- Hardware Costs Saving 2
- Hardware acceleration 2
- Hardware implementation 2
- Haut facteur de qualité 2
- Haute finesse 2
- Heterodyne 2
- High-Level Synthesis 2
- Hyperspectral data 2
- Hétérodyne 2
- IBN 2
- Image coding 2
- Image texture 2
- Image visual quality 2
- Images hyperspectrales 2
- Independent component analysis 2
- Indium compounds 2
- Indoor 2
- Induced transparency 2
- Influence maximization 2
- Information retrieval 2
- Infrared spectroscopy 2
- Intact tissue 2
- Integrated Optics 2
- Integrated circuit design 2
- Integrated optical sensors 2
- Integrated optics devices 2
- Integrated optoelectronics 2
- Invasive vegetation 2
- Isolation Forest 2
- Kernel estimation 2
- Kerr effect 2
- LTE 2
- Language registers 2
- Largeur de raie 2
- Largeur de raie laser 2
- Laser diodes 2
- Laser linewidth 2
- Laser noise 2
- Laser à semiconducteur 2
- Laser à semiconducteurs 2
- Latency 2
- Light scattering 2
- Linear optical sampling 2
- Linearly-polarized mode 2
- Linguistic description 2
- Linguistic summaries 2
- Linguistic summarization 2
- Low-power electronics 2
- Low-power scheduling 2
- Lumière lente 2
- MDE 2
- MIR 2
- Machine learning 2
- Magnetometry 2
- Magnetron sputtering 2
- Matériaux poreux 2
- Mean opinion score 2
- Memory management 2
- Metric prediction 2
- Metropolitan area network 2
- Microcavité 2
- Microlenses 2
- Microring resonator MRR 2
- Microring resonators 2
- Microscopy 2
- Microspheres 2
- Microspherical lasers 2
- Microstructured optical fibers 2
- Mid infrared 2
- Mitigation 2
- Mixed noise 2
- Modal decomposition 2
- Mode burst 2
- Mode division multiplexion 2
- Mode-locking 2
- Modes bloqués 2
- Modulation music 2
- Modulator 2
- Modèle de données 2
- Motifs séquentiels 2
- Mueller calculus 2
- Multi-excitabilité 2
- Multi-mode fibre 2
- Multicore processing 2
- Multiexcitability 2
- Multilayers 2
- Multimedia 2
- Multimedia processing 2
- Multimodal registration 2
- Multimode interferometer MMI 2
- Multiprocessor systems 2
- Multivariate noise variance model 2
- Métrologie 2
- NIRS 2
- Nanotechnology 2
- Nearest neighbors 2
- Neural Network 2
- Neural network 2
- Neural networks 2
- Noise estimation 2
- Noise suppression 2
- Noise variance 2
- Non linear effects 2
- Non paramétrique 2
- Non supervisée 2
- Non-Parametric 2
- Nonlinear dynamics 2
- Nonlinear optical signal processing 2
- O-band 2
- OLAP 2
- ONoC 2
- OS software optimization 2
- Objective decision making 2
- Offset-QAM 2
- Opportunistic synchronization 2
- Optical Network-on-Chip 2
- Optical delay lines 2
- Optical fiber networks 2
- Optical fibre 2
- Optical fibre multi-mode fibre modal decomposition linearly-polarized mode transverse mode 2
- Optical filter 2
- Optical integrated sensor 2
- Optical interferometry 2
- Optical materials 2
- Optical pumping 2
- Optical spectroscopy 2
- Optical switching devices 2
- Optical telecommunication 2
- Optical transmitters 2
- Optique 2
- Optique guidée 2
- Outlier detection 2
- Outlier explanation 2
- Outlier interpretation 2
- Outsourcing 2
- Oxidation 2
- Parallel databases 2
- Parametric amplification 2
- Pareto-optimal solutions 2
- Partitionnement 2
- Partitionnement non supervisé 2
- Partitions musicales 2
- Pattern recognition 2
- Performance evaluation 2
- Pertes optiques 2
- Phase modulation 2
- Phase noise 2
- Phoneme lattices 2
- Photolithography 2
- Photonic Crystals 2
- Photonic crystal fibers 2
- Photonic crystal nanocavity 2
- Photonique 2
- Photonique sur silicium 2
- Pixels 2
- Planar waveguide 2
- Plantes invasives 2
- Polaritons en microcavité semi-conductrice 2
- Polarization imaging 2
- Power demand 2
- Power measurement 2
- Power modeling methodology 2
- Prediction 2
- Preferences 2
- Pressure sensors 2
- Probability of correct classification 2
- Pronunciation variant modelling 2
- Prosodie 2
- Protection 2
- Pulsed laser deposition 2
- Pump lasers 2
- QPSK 2
- Quality factor 2
- Quality of services 2
- Quality prediction 2
- Quantum efficiency 2
- Quantum mechanics 2
- Query Re-optimization 2
- Query optimizations 2
- RDF Schema 2
- RF impairments models 2
- Rare-earth 2
- Rare-earth ions 2
- Rare-earths in glasses 2
- Reactive ion etching 2
- Real-time and low-power scheduling 2
- Reasoning 2
- Recommender systems 2
- Reconfigurable system 2
- Reduction 2
- Registres de langues 2
- Reinforcement learning 2
- Reservoir computing 2
- Resonant frequency 2
- Réponse aux requêtes RDF 2
- Rf-sputtering 2
- Récupération d'horloge 2
- Régénération optique 2
- Réseau d'accès optique 2
- Réseau de Bragg fibré 2
- Réseaux de neurones 2
- Réseaux optiques sur puce 2
- SEU 2
- SOA 2
- SOC 2
- SSPNET-Personality 2
- Salient edges 2
- Saturation output power 2
- Second harmonic generation 2
- Security monitoring 2
- Segmentation 2
- Selective Amplification 2
- Self phase modulation 2
- Self-phase modulation 2
- Semantic web 2
- Semi-blind image restoration 2
- Semiconductor Optical Amplifier 2
- Sensing 2
- Sensing applications 2
- Sensitivity 2
- Sensor phenomena and characterization 2
- Sequences 2
- Sequential patterns 2
- Serverless 2
- Signal dependent noise 2
- Signal regeneration 2
- Signal-dependency 2
- Silicates 2
- Silicium Poreux 2
- Silicon compounds 2
- Silicon modulators 2
- Similarity join 2
- Single-mode fiber 2
- Social Signal 2
- Soliton 2
- Sol–gel 2
- Spark 2
- Speaker encoder 2
- Spectroscopic ellipsometry 2
- Speech Synthesis 2
- Sputtering 2
- Stabilisation de fréquence 2
- Subjective evaluation 2
- Subword parallelism 2
- Super-resolution 2
- Supercontinuum generation 2
- Synchronization 2
- Synthetic aperture radar 2
- Synthèse de parole 2
- Systèmes embarqués 2
- Séquences 2
- TMR 2
- Tapered fiber 2
- Task scheduling 2
- Telecommunications 2
- Temperature constraints 2
- Temperature effect 2
- Terahertz radiation 2
- Testing 2
- Text-to-speech 2
- Texture analysis 2
- Theory of belief functions 2
- Threshold-crossing 2
- Théorie des ensembles flous 2
- Titania 2
- Tolérance aux fautes 2
- Tool 2
- Top-k 2
- Total variation 2
- Transducteurs finis pondérés 2
- Transfer matrix formalism 2
- Transformer 2
- Transmission optique 2
- Transverse mode 2
- Tunable QCL laser 2
- Télécommunications optiques à très haut débit 2
- Unit selection 2
- Unsupervised classification 2
- Unsupervised learning 2
- Utterance phonetization 2
- Vegetation mapping 2
- Vernier effect 2
- Verrouillage en longueur d'onde par injection optique 2
- Visual databases 2
- Vocabulary inference 2
- Voice Cloning 2
- Voice cloning 2
- Voice disorders 2
- Water stress 2
- Web Sémantique 2
- Weighted finite state transducers 2
- Whispering Gallery Mode 2
- Whispering gallery mode resonators 2
- Whispering gallery modes WGMs 2
- White noise 2
- X-vector 2
- XML 2
- Ytterbium 2
- ZnO 2
- 0601660 Coherent communications 1
- 0602330 Fiber optics communications 1
- 0704340 Nonlinear optical signal processing 1
- 1-D dielectric photonic band gap structure 1
- 1-D photonic crystal 1
- 100GBASE 1
- 1303120 Integrated optics devices 1
- 160 Gbit/s 1
- 1904360 Nonlinear optics devices 1
- 1904975 Parametric processes 1
- 1D photonic crystals 1
- 2 Le2i 1
- 2307405 Wavelength conversion devices 1
- 2R optical regeneration 1
- 2R regenerator 1
- 3 WebDam 1
- 3D 1
- 3D discrete cosine transform 1
- 3D foot shape 1
- 3R regeneration 1
- 4 Armadillo 1
- 4-sections lasers 1
- 40 Gbit/s 1
- 50G-PON 1
- 50G-PON mode burst réseau d'accès FTTH 1
- 5G NR 1
- 5G cellular networks 1
- 5G networks 1
- ADC 1
- AGU 1
- AM-FM demodulation 1
- APEX 1
- ASIPs 1
- AVIF and HEIF 1
- Abattoir 1
- Absorbant saturable en microcavité verticale 1
- Absorbants saturables 1
- Absorption dichroism 1
- Abundance sum-to-one constraint 1
- Accelerator area 1
- Accelerometer 1
- Access networks 1
- Accordable 1
- Accuracy tradeoff 1
- Accès à l'information 1
- Acide gras 1
- Acide gras polyinsaturé 1
- Acoustic Modeling 1
- Acoustic sensors 1
- Active cavity 1
- Active coating 1
- Active mode-Locking 1
- Adaptive Routing Algorithm 1
- Adaptive filter 1
- Additive White Gaussian noise 1
- Additive white noise 1
- Adrien Guillaud-Rollin ENSSAT 1
- Advanced glasses 1
- Advanced modulation format 1
- Aerogel and solution chemistry 1
- Ag-electroless etching 1
- AgNPs 1
- Aide à la décision 1
- Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer AVIRIS 1
- Airborne high-resolution hyperspectral imagery 1
- AlN 1
- Alban Framboisier IReMus 1
- Algorithmes d'énumération de sous-graphes 1
- Algorithmes de sélection de sous-graphes 1
- Alignement d’entités 1
- All optical functions 1
- All optical technology 1
- All-Optical regeneration 1
- All-Optical signal processing 1
- All-optical 2R regeneration 1
- All-optical switch 1
- All-solid fibers 1
- Allocation 1
- Alternating direction method of multipliers 1
- Alternating direction method of multipliers ADMM 1
- Alternating direction method of multipliers admm 1
- Alternating minimization 1
- Ammonia 1
- Amorphous chalcogenides 1
- Amorphous magnetic materials 1
- Amplificateur 1
- Amplificateur optique 1
- Amplificateur optique à semi-conducteur SOA 1
- Amplificateur optique à semiconducteur 1
- Amplificateurs optiques 1
- Amplificateurs optiques à semiconducteur 1
- Amplificateurs optiques à semiconducteurs 1
- Amplification 1
- Amplifiers 1
- Analogical dissimilarity 1
- Analogical proportion 1
- Analyse de la voix 1
- Analyse de performance 1
- Analyse de textures 1
- Analyse des réseaux sociaux 1
- Analytical model 1
- Analytical models 1
- Anisotropic fractal Brownian motion 1
- Anisotropic fractional Brownian motion 1
- Anisotropy 1
- Annealing 1
- Annealing temperature 1
- Annotated documents 1
- Annotation 1
- Annotation automatique 1
- Annotations 1
- Anomaly Detection 1
- Anomaly/Outlier detection 1
- Ant colony optimization 1
- Antennes et propagation 1
- Anthozoa 1
- Anti resonant reflecting optical waveguide 1
- Antibacterial 1
- Antifungal 1
- Antioxidant 1
- Antiphase domains 1
- Antireflection coatings 1
- Antispoof deepfake detection SSL Hubert wav2vec2 wavlm asvspoof 1
- Aperiodic grating 1
- Application benchmark 1
- Application software 1
- Applications multimédia 1
- Apprentissage 1
- Apprentissage Automatique 1
- Apprentissage automatique 1
- Apprentissage supervisé 1
- Approche de Primary/Backup 1
- Approche orientée utilisateur 1
- Approxi- mate communications 1
- Approximate communication 1
- Approximate computing 1
- Approximate interconnect 1
- Aptasensor 1
- Architecture 1
- Architecture modelling 1
- Architecture reconfigurable 1
- Architecture reconfigurables 1
- Architectures 3D 1
- Architectures multicoeur 1
- Area under the curve 1
- Area-based image registration 1
- Arithmetic 1
- Arithmetic recoding 1
- Arithmétique 1
- Arithmétique des ordinateurs 1
- Arrayed waveguide gratings 1
- Artifacts 1
- Artificial Intelligence 1
- Artificial neural network 1
- Artificial neural networks 1
- As a service 1
- Asic 1
- Asphalt 1
- Asservissement 1
- Asservissement opto-Électronique 1
- Asservissement visuel 1
- Astronomy 1
- Asymmetric Cryptography 1
- Atmospheric sensing 1
- Atomic force microscopy 1
- Atomic function 1
- Atomic functions 1
- Atomic wavelet 1
- Atoms 1
Affichage limité aux 1000 premières réponses.