- Biodiversity 67
- Climate change 59
- Functional traits 42
- Cyanobacteria 36
- Dispersal 34
- Biological invasion 33
- Ecology 33
- Invasive species 33
- Insect 30
- Temperature 30
- Oxidative stress 29
- Polyploidy 27
- Functional diversity 26
- Landscape 26
- Speciation 26
- Phenotypic plasticity 25
- Phylogeny 25
- Agriculture 24
- Biological control 24
- Conservation 24
- France 24
- Evolution 23
- Survival 23
- Biodiversité 22
- Competition 22
- Earthworms 22
- Spartina 22
- Denitrification 21
- Ecosystem services 21
- Araneae 20
- Landscape ecology 20
- Management 20
- Parasitoid 20
- Climate 19
- Hybridization 19
- Microcystins 19
- Adaptation 18
- Recovery 18
- Species richness 18
- Cold tolerance 17
- Community assembly 17
- Connectivity 17
- Parasitoids 17
- Phylogeography 17
- Reproduction 17
- Carabidae 16
- Fungi 16
- Acclimation 15
- Allopolyploidy 15
- Bacteria 15
- Biogeography 15
- Biological invasions 15
- Ecosystem functioning 15
- Land use 15
- Life history traits 15
- Microbiota 15
- Plasticity 15
- Europe 14
- Global change 14
- InvaCost 14
- Life-history traits 14
- Salinity 14
- Taxonomy 14
- Bioaccumulation 13
- Biology 13
- Diapause 13
- Diversity 13
- Drosophila 13
- Eutrophication 13
- Gene expression 13
- Herbicide 13
- Hymenoptera 13
- Monitoring 13
- Morphology 13
- Soil 13
- Stress 13
- Transcriptomics 13
- Africa 12
- Agroecosystems 12
- Arabidopsis thaliana 12
- Bretagne 12
- Community 12
- Fitness 12
- Habitat 12
- Local adaptation 12
- Metabolic rate 12
- Metabolomics 12
- Modelling 12
- Ulex europaeus 12
- Bioinformatics 11
- Cold hardiness 11
- Cold stress 11
- Cytochrome b 11
- Habitat fragmentation 11
- Landscape heterogeneity 11
- Phytoplankton 11
- Remote sensing 11
- Sitobion avenae 11
- Aquatic plants 10
- Earthworm 10
- Groundwater 10
- Litter decomposition 10
- Macrophytes 10
- Microsatellite 10
- Microsatellites 10
- Nitrate 10
- Nitrogen 10
- Paysage 10
- Phenology 10
- Phosphorus 10
- Sexual selection 10
- Sub-Antarctic 10
- Sub-Antarctic islands 10
- Thermal tolerance 10
- Urbanization 10
- Vegetation 10
- Agricultural landscape 9
- Agricultural landscapes 9
- Atrazine 9
- Diatoms 9
- Dispersion 9
- Distribution 9
- Fragmentation 9
- Freshwater 9
- Gene flow 9
- Grassland 9
- Kerguelen Islands 9
- Landscape structure 9
- Microcystin 9
- Molecular phylogeny 9
- New species 9
- Pesticides 9
- Phytoremediation 9
- Range expansion 9
- Salt marsh 9
- Sélune 9
- Tolerance 9
- Transposable elements 9
- Abiotic stress 8
- Coleoptera 8
- Colonization 8
- Demography 8
- Diet 8
- Drought 8
- Functional ecology 8
- Grasslands 8
- Hedgerow 8
- Introduced species 8
- Invertebrates 8
- Life history 8
- Microorganisms 8
- Organic matter 8
- Sediment 8
- Seed dispersal 8
- Traits 8
- Transcriptome 8
- Viviparity 8
- Wetlands 8
- Alien species 7
- Aménagement paysager 7
- Arabidopsis 7
- Arthropods 7
- Behaviour 7
- Bocage 7
- Brittany 7
- Cereal aphids 7
- Climate warming 7
- Clonal plants 7
- Cold storage 7
- Community structure 7
- Desiccation 7
- Detoxification 7
- Environmental factors 7
- Espèce invasive 7
- Fecundity 7
- Forest 7
- Gastropoda 7
- Global warming 7
- Herbivory 7
- Holobiont 7
- Holocene 7
- Insects 7
- Invasion 7
- Invertebrate 7
- Landscape genetics 7
- Macroevolution 7
- Macroinvertebrates 7
- Pest 7
- Phenanthrene 7
- Phylogenetic diversity 7
- Plant Sciences 7
- Population dynamics 7
- Predation 7
- Productivity 7
- Rhizosphere 7
- River 7
- Small mammals 7
- Soil fauna 7
- Spatial distribution 7
- Symbiosis 7
- Thermal stress 7
- Trade-off 7
- Wetland 7
- Zone humide 7
- Zoology 7
- Zooplankton 7
- Agricultural practices 6
- Agroecology 6
- Amino acid 6
- Angiosperms 6
- Antarctica 6
- Antioxidant enzymes 6
- Aphididae 6
- Aphidiinae 6
- Aphidius ervi 6
- Biodiversity conservation 6
- Biological traits 6
- Birds 6
- Carbon 6
- Changement climatique 6
- Chlidonias hybrida 6
- Citizen science 6
- Coexistence 6
- Cold 6
- Community ecology 6
- Cyanotoxins 6
- Disturbance 6
- Diversification 6
- Domestication 6
- Drosophila melanogaster 6
- Endemism 6
- Environment 6
- Evolutionary biology 6
- Flora 6
- Fluctuating thermal regime 6
- Food web 6
- Gastropod 6
- Genetics 6
- Genome evolution 6
- Geometric morphometrics 6
- Gestion 6
- Growth 6
- Habitat quality 6
- Heterogeneity 6
- Hydrology 6
- Hyporheic zone 6
- Hétérogénéité 6
- Invertébré 6
- Landscape composition 6
- Landscape connectivity 6
- Lepidoptera 6
- Lumbricidae 6
- Mate choice 6
- Metabolites 6
- Microarray 6
- Migration 6
- Mitochondrial DNA 6
- Modeling 6
- Mollusque 6
- Monetary impacts 6
- Nitrification 6
- Oviparity 6
- Pesticide 6
- Plant 6
- Pollination 6
- Population genetics 6
- Recombination 6
- Rhinolophus hipposideros 6
- Risk assessment 6
- Seed predation 6
- Soil structure 6
- Spiders 6
- Spotted wing drosophila 6
- Stress responses 6
- Tillage 6
- Urban ecology 6
- Vineyard 6
- Water quality 6
- Abundance 5
- Aestivation 5
- Algeria 5
- Ancient DNA 5
- Aphid 5
- Aphidius rhopalosiphi 5
- Asobara tabida 5
- Bacillariophyta 5
- Bacterial communities 5
- Bet-hedging 5
- Bioindicators 5
- Biomarker 5
- Biomarqueur 5
- Biomass 5
- Body condition 5
- Body size 5
- Carabe 5
- Carabids 5
- Carbohydrates 5
- Chill coma 5
- Climat 5
- Conservation biological control 5
- Diversité 5
- Dynamics 5
- Ecophysiology 5
- Ecosystem 5
- Ecotoxicology 5
- Endemic species 5
- Environmental stress 5
- Epigenetics 5
- Estuary 5
- Evolutionary Biology 5
- Extinction 5
- Fish 5
- Fluctuating thermal regimes 5
- Foraging 5
- Fruit fly 5
- GEOF 5
- Genetic structure 5
- Geographic expansion 5
- Geography 5
- Germination 5
- Gorse 5
- Grazing 5
- Habitat filtering 5
- Haie 5
- Heat stress 5
- Hemiptera 5
- Herbicides 5
- Hydrochory 5
- Ile Amsterdam 5
- Inhibition 5
- Interdisciplinarité 5
- Interspecific competition 5
- Land snail 5
- Landscape dynamics 5
- Lichens 5
- Longevity 5
- Low temperature 5
- Lutte biologique 5
- Lycosidae 5
- Mating system 5
- Metabolomic 5
- Microbial community 5
- Molecular dating 5
- Morphometry 5
- Movement 5
- MtDNA 5
- Neolithic 5
- Nitrate reduction 5
- Non-native 5
- Notodiscus hookeri 5
- Nutrients 5
- Nutrition 5
- Optimal foraging 5
- Overwintering 5
- Peatland 5
- Pest control 5
- Photosynthesis 5
- Phylogenetics 5
- Plant communities 5
- Plant traits 5
- Plante 5
- Procambarus clarkii 5
- Proteomics 5
- Reproductive isolation 5
- Restoration 5
- Selection 5
- Signal transduction 5
- Snail 5
- Soil biodiversity 5
- Soil fertility 5
- Sol 5
- Sperm competition 5
- Subantarctic 5
- Sucrose 5
- Systematics 5
- Taxonomic diversity 5
- Temperate forest 5
- Tetranychus urticae 5
- Trehalose 5
- Télédétection 5
- Urban heat island 5
- Vicariance 5
- Végétation 5
- Water level 5
- Wild bees 5
- Écologie du paysage 5
- 16S rRNA 4
- ACL 4
- Accumulation 4
- Activity 4
- Adsorption 4
- Age 4
- Ageing 4
- Agricultural intensification 4
- Agroecosystem 4
- Allelopathy 4
- Amino acids 4
- Ammonium 4
- Anaerobic digestion 4
- Anguilla anguilla 4
- Aporrectodea 4
- Arthropod 4
- Artificial selection 4
- Assembly rules 4
- Azote 4
- Bandes enherbées 4
- Behavior 4
- Biocontrol 4
- Biotic interactions 4
- Biotic stress 4
- Biotransformation 4
- Bioturbation 4
- Braconidae 4
- Bryophytes 4
- Burrows 4
- Carabid beetles 4
- Chemical ecology 4
- Chemical stress 4
- Chiroptera 4
- Climate-change 4
- Clutch size 4
- Coevolution 4
- Cold shock 4
- Communautés 4
- Communities 4
- Community phylogeny 4
- Compétition 4
- Conservation status 4
- Cooperation 4
- Cordgrass 4
- Cornu aspersum 4
- Cover crops 4
- Crayfish 4
- Crop mosaic 4
- Cushion plant 4
- Database 4
- Determinants of plant community diversity and structure 4
- Development 4
- Diptera 4
- Dispersal syndromes 4
- Diversité fonctionnelle 4
- Ecological indicators 4
- Ecological niche 4
- Ecological restoration 4
- Ecosystem service 4
- Ecosystems 4
- Environmental change 4
- Environmental science 4
- Enzymatic activities 4
- Expertise scientifique 4
- Facilitation 4
- Fagus sylvatica 4
- Floodplains 4
- Flore 4
- Flowering phenology 4
- Freezing 4
- French Guiana 4
- Functional response 4
- Functional trait 4
- GC-MS 4
- Gastropods 4
- Gene duplication 4
- Genetic diversity 4
- Guild 4
- Hedgerows 4
- Hoverfly 4
- Ille et vilaine 4
- Interactions 4
- Intraspecific variability 4
- Invasibility 4
- Invasions biologiques 4
- Invasiveness 4
- Landscape configuration 4
- Leaf litter decomposition 4
- Lichen 4
- Lipids 4
- Lombriciens 4
- Long-distance dispersal 4
- Macaca sylvanus 4
- Maniola jurtina 4
- Mass development 4
- Meta-analysis 4
- Metabolism 4
- Metacommunity 4
- Metazoan parasites 4
- MiRNA 4
- Microbiome 4
- Microbiote 4
- Microclimate 4
- Microcystis aeruginosa 4
- Microorganismes 4
- Microphytobenthos 4
- Mitochondria 4
- Modélisation 4
- Morphological traits 4
- Morphometrics 4
- Multiple stress 4
- Muridae 4
- N2O 4
- Natural enemies 4
- Nematodes 4
- Niche breadth 4
- Niche conservatism 4
- Nitrite 4
- Non-indigenous species 4
- Non-native species 4
- North Africa 4
- Organic farming 4
- Palaeoecology 4
- Parasitic wasp 4
- Patch exploitation 4
- Phalacrocorax carbo 4
- Phytosociology 4
- Plant cover 4
- Plants 4
- Plasticité phénotypique 4
- Pleistocene 4
- Poaceae 4
- Polymorphism 4
- Polyphenism 4
- Predator 4
- Pyrosequencing 4
- Quercus robur 4
- Reproductive strategies 4
- Reservoir 4
- Resilience 4
- Restauration 4
- Rivers 4
- Salinization 4
- Secondary metabolites 4
- Semi-natural habitats 4
- Senescence 4
- Signalling pathways 4
- Soil biota 4
- Soil management 4
- Soil pollution 4
- Soil properties 4
- Soil quality 4
- Soricidae 4
- Southern Indian Ocean 4
- Species composition 4
- Species diversity 4
- Species interactions 4
- Stable isotope analysis 4
- Stable isotopes 4
- Starvation 4
- Sub-Antarctic island 4
- Subantarctic islands 4
- Sugar 4
- Sugars 4
- Supercooling point 4
- Température 4
- Thermal plasticity 4
- Toxicity 4
- Traits fonctionnels 4
- Tropical Africa 4
- Urban 4
- Urbanisation 4
- Ver de terre 4
- Vermifiltration 4
- Watershed 4
- West Africa 4
- Wind 4
- Winter 4
- Wolbachia 4
- Xenobiotic stress 4
- Xenobiotics 4
- Yield 4
- Écologie 4
- État de l'art 4
- Acidification 3
- Alpha diversity 3
- Ammonia 3
- Anopheles gambiae 3
- Anoxia 3
- Antibiotic 3
- Aphids 3
- Apiformes 3
- Aquatic macrophytes 3
- Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi 3
- Arctic 3
- Ardea cinerea 3
- Artificial prey 3
- Associative learning 3
- BMAA 3
- Babesia 3
- Barcoding 3
- Benthic cyanobacteria 3
- Beta diversity 3
- Biogeochemistry 3
- Bioindicateurs 3
- Bioinformatique 3
- Biomass production 3
- Biosecurity 3
- Biotic homogenization 3
- Bivalve 3
- Body water 3
- Body-size 3
- Bog 3
- Brassica napus 3
- Bryophyte 3
- Buoyancy 3
- Burkina Faso 3
- Butterflies 3
- Butterfly 3
- CH4 3
- Calcium 3
- Capsella bursa-pastoris 3
- Carbon sequestration 3
- Catchment hydrology 3
- Central Africa 3
- Champignons 3
- Checklist 3
- Chloridoideae 3
- Chloroplast 3
- Citrus 3
- Classification 3
- Clonal plant 3
- Clonal traits 3
- Collembola 3
- Colonies 3
- Colonisation 3
- Coléoptères carabiques 3
- Communication 3
- Community composition 3
- Comparative analysis 3
- Complexity 3
- Compost 3
- Conservation biology 3
- Conservation tillage 3
- Conservation value 3
- Control region 3
- Costs of movement 3
- Critical zone 3
- Crop rotations 3
- Crop succession 3
- Crustacea 3
- Cryptic female choice 3
- DNA barcoding 3
- DNA methylation 3
- Decomposition 3
- Depressional wetlands 3
- Dicentrarchus labrax 3
- Disease 3
- Dispersal abilities 3
- Distribution spatiale 3
- Ditch 3
- Diversity partitioning 3
- Diversité génétique 3
- Dog 3
- Dormancy 3
- Dry season 3
- Dénitrification 3
- Ecological category 3
- Ecologie 3
- Ecotoxicity 3
- Egeria densa 3
- Egg load 3
- Environmental genomics 3
- Environmental gradient 3
- Environmental management 3
- Environmental pollution 3
- Evolutionary ecology 3
- Expansion géographique 3
- Extreme events 3
- Farming landscapes 3
- Fat reserves 3
- Faune du sol 3
- Feeding ecology 3
- Field margin 3
- Fishery 3
- Floodplain 3
- Fluorescence 3
- Forest refugia 3
- Forestry 3
- Formicidae 3
- Free amino acid 3
- Fruit flies 3
- GIS 3
- Gender 3
- Gene 3
- General 3
- Genetic variation 3
- Genome size 3
- Glacial refugia 3
- Glucosinolates 3
- Gorilla 3
- Gorillas 3
- Gossypium 3
- Graph theory 3
- Grassy strips 3
- Greenhouse 3
- Guide méthodologique 3
- Gut microbiota 3
- Habitat amount 3
- Habitat loss 3
- Habitat suitability 3
- Halophytes 3
- Helix aspersa 3
- Hibernation 3
- Homeostasis 3
- Host-parasitoid interactions 3
- Human impact 3
- Hydrogen peroxide 3
- Hydrological flowpaths 3
- Hypervolume 3
- Hypogean crustacean 3
- Hypoxia 3
- Inbreeding depression 3
- Insect herbivory 3
- Insecta 3
- Insecticide 3
- Interaction 3
- Interdisciplinarity 3
- Interdisciplinary 3
- Intraspecific variation 3
- Invasion ecology 3
- Invasions 3
- Invasive alien species 3
- Ionising radiation 3
- Island biogeography 3
- Islands 3
- Isolation by distance 3
- Ixodes ricinus 3
- Kerguelen islands 3
- Kin recognition 3
- LTER 3
- Lacerta vivipara 3
- Lagooning 3
- Land-use 3
- Landscape history 3
- Larval density 3
- Leaf herbivory 3
- Life traits 3
- Lipogenesis 3
- Litter traits 3
- Local adaptations 3
- Lymnaea stagnalis 3
- MAPE 3
- Macrofauna 3
- Macroinvertebrate 3
- Macrophyte 3
- Magnetite nanoparticles 3
- Mating 3
- Meadow 3
- Mediterranean 3
- Memory 3
- Merizodus soledadinus 3
- Mesocosm 3
- Metabolic fingerprinting 3
- Metabolic profiling 3
- Metapopulation 3
- Microarthropods 3
- Microbial biomass 3
- Microbial communities 3
- Microbial diversity 3
- Microbial ecology 3
- Microbiology 3
- Microcystin-LR 3
- Microcystis 3
- Molecular evolution 3
- Mollusca 3
- Mowing 3
- Multi-model inference 3
- Mutualism 3
- Myriophyllum aquaticum 3
- NanoSIMS 3
- Nanotoxicity 3
- Natura 2000 3
- Natural enemy 3
- Newt 3
- Nitrogen deposition 3
- Nitrous oxide 3
- Nuclear DNA 3
- Nutrient 3
- Oiseau 3
- Omics 3
- Optimal foraging theory 3
- Organic fertilization 3
- Osmolytes 3
- Overwintering strategies 3
- PCC7806 3
- Parental care 3
- Pathologie végétale 3
- Paysages agricoles 3
- Peat 3
- Peatlands 3
- Persistent organic pollutants 3
- Phycocyanin 3
- Phylogenetic isolation 3
- Phylogenetic signal 3
- Phylogénie 3
- Physiology 3
- Phytobenthos 3
- Phytoplancton 3
- Pitfall trap 3
- Plant community assembly 3
- Plant functional traits 3
- Plant microbiota 3
- Plant performance 3
- Plant-insect interactions 3
- Plant-soil interaction 3
- Pollen 3
- Pollinator 3
- Pollutants 3
- Pollution 3
- Pollution atmosphérique 3
- Polyols 3
- Polyphenols 3
- Polyploid 3
- Ponds 3
- Population 3
- Population genomics 3
- Population size 3
- Population structure 3
- Porphyromonas 3
- Practices 3
- Pragmatism 3
- Prevalence 3
- Primates 3
- Pringlea antiscorbutica 3
- Proline 3
- Qualité de l'eau 3
- Quercus 3
- RT-qPCR 3
- Random forest 3
- Refuge theory 3
- Relative humidity 3
- Rennes 3
- Residence time distribution 3
- Resource distribution 3
- Respiration 3
- Responses 3
- Riparian zone 3
- Rmqs-biodiv 3
- Rodent 3
- Root endosphere 3
- Réseau de surveillance 3
- Salmo trutta 3
- Science 3
- Seasonality 3
- Selfing 3
- Sequence analysis 3
- Sex ratio 3
- Sex-biased dispersal 3
- Sexual reproduction 3
- Simulation 3
- Simulation model 3
- Size 3
- Sociality 3
- Soil bioturbation 3
- Southern Ocean 3
- Spartina alterniflora 3
- Spartina maritima 3
- Spatial heterogeneity 3
- Spatial scale 3
- Specialist 3
- Species coexistence 3
- Species distribution 3
- Sperm storage 3
- Sphagnum 3
- Stability 3
- Statut public 3
- Stream 3
- Structure du sol 3
- Surface water 3
- Systematic review 3
- T-RFLP 3
- Temperate forests 3
- Temperature of crystallisation 3
- Temporal dynamics 3
- Temporary waters 3
- Terrestrial gastropods 3
- Thermal fluctuations 3
- Thermotolerance 3
- Threatened species 3
- Ticks 3
- Tourism 3
- Trade-offs 3
- Traits d’histoire de vie 3
- Trampling 3
- Transcriptome evolution 3
- Transmission 3
- Transport 3
- Trophic chain 3
- Tropical African forests 3
- Ulex 3
- Urban ecosystem 3
- VOC 3
- Vegetation cover 3
- Vegetation formations 3
- Vers de terre 3
- Virus 3
- Warming 3
- Water balance 3
- Water content 3
- Water primrose 3
- Waterlogging 3
- Wheat 3
- Whiskered tern 3
- Wolf spider 3
- Woodmice 3
- Évolution 3
- 16S metabarcoding 2
- 18S rRNA 2
- ATP 2
- Abiotic environmental gradients 2
- Abundance ecology 2
- Acari 2
- Acclimatation 2
- Activités enzymatiques 2
- Adaptations locales 2
- Additive partitioning 2
- After-life traits 2
- Aggregate stability 2
- Agri-environment scheme 2
- Agri-environment schemes 2
- Agricultural diversification 2
- Agricultural soils 2
- Agrosystems 2
- Agrosystèmes 2
- Air pollution 2
- Ajonc 2
- Alanine 2
- Algae 2
- Algal blooms 2
- Alien 2
- Alkalinity 2
- Allometry 2
- Allopolyploid speciation 2
- Altitude 2
- Aluminium 2
- American marten 2
- Amphibian 2
- Amphibians 2
- Amphipod 2
- Amphipoda 2
- Amphipods 2
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2
- Anabaena 2
- Anammox 2
- Anaplasma 2
- Anatoxin-a 2
- Anchovy 2
- Animal Ecology 2
- Animal personality 2
- Animal tracking 2
- Animals 2
- Anopheles coluzzii 2
- Anoplolepis 2
- Antennal sensilla 2
- Anthropogenic activities 2
- Antibiotics 2
- Antioxidant 2
- Antipredator behaviour 2
- Aonidiella aurantii 2
- Aphid parasitoid 2
- Aphid parasitoids 2
- Aphidius 2
- Apionid weevils 2
- Apis mellifera 2
- Aporrectodea caliginosa 2
- Approximate bayesian computation 2
- Aquaculture 2
- Aquatic ecosystems 2
- Aquatic insects 2
- Aquatic invertebrates 2
- Aquatic systems 2
- Araignées 2
- Archaea 2
- Archipel Crozet 2
- Arthropod community 2
- Assembly mechanisms 2
- Bacteroides 2
- Bactéries 2
- Balancing selection 2
- Ballooning 2
- Bassin versant 2
- Bay of Biscay 2
- Bee 2
- Bees 2
- Beetle 2
Affichage limité aux 1000 premières réponses.