Le traitement des données du prodrome des végétations de France via la base de données nationale VegFrance
Data processing of Prodromus of French vegetations via the national database VegFrance The project VegFrance is presently designed in order to elaborate a national vegetation database covering all vegetation types and regions. Launched in January 2012, this project is commonly led by Research Institutions as National Center for Scientific Research (UMS3468, BBEES & UMR 6553 ECOBIO), the Museum National Histoire
Naturelle (Service du Patrimoine naturel), Fédération des Conservatoires Botaniques Nationaux, the French phytosociological society and the Ministry of Ecology. The projected database will integrate three main types of datasets : syntaxa refl ecting the national classifi cation, relevés describing the vegetation at the landscape level (i.e. synphytosociological relevés) and analytical relevés or any plots which properly describe
vegetation. This project is developed in strong connection with the European Vegetation Survey. The software Turboveg will be used for managing the datasets. Some adaptations are planned with the agreement and the help of the authors (HENNEKENS & SCHAMINÉE 2001) in order to meet some special needs regarding the French habitat typology. As stated by SCHAMINÉE et al. (2007), computer sciences are improving and presently off er opportunity for managing large datasets. This opens new perspectives for vegetation analysis and, more generally, for an improved understanding of ecosystem functioning and the underlying mechanisms.